9 Ways To Collect Extra Income
9 income secrets used by the rich… but available to anyone
"My First Impression Was 'You've GOT to Be KIDDING Me!'"

In this jaw-dropping video clip, hear THE FOUR SHOCKING WORDS that will help SUPERCHARGE AMERICANS' RETIREMENT in 2022 and beyond...

REGARDLESS of divisive politics... record-high debt... even the pandemic!

Click Here to Watch Now (and Get the Four Shocking Words)
1. How To Collect "Instant Dividends" Of An Extra $1,000 (Or More) A Month
Investors tend to think there are only two ways to make money with stocks… but I’ll show you a third way. It’s a strategy you can use to boost your income from almost any stock, earning up to $1,000 more a month than you’d see otherwise.

Most people don’t know about this loophole, because at its heart is
something many investors don’t understand—stock options.

Options tend to have a bad reputation. They can sound complicated, too, with myriad “strike prices” to consider and “expiration dates” to keep track of. Then there are the scare stories about how risky options can be . . . and how a frighteningly large number of stock options “expire worthless.” Who wants to invest in something that regularly loses all its value?

They sound complicated, and there are plenty of scare stories about  how risky they can be.  But the truth is that there’s nothing to fear if you use options correctly. In fact, I’ll tell you how to avoid the mistakes most investors make. (Hint: It involves playing options the opposite way most investors do.)
Biden to Replace US Dollar?

Thanks to President Biden’s Executive Order 14067, a former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon predicts the 3rd Great Dollar Quake has begun.

The first was Roosevelt confiscating private gold in 1934. The second was Nixon abandoning the gold standard in 1971.

Now, Biden’s plan could pave the way for “retiring” the US dollar. Your dollars could soon be confiscated – or made worthless.

So how do options work? Stock options trade alongside stocks on the major exchanges.  You can buy and sell them just like you do any stock. And like stocks, their price goes up and down in response to market conditions. The option’s price is called the premium. 

The biggest difference between stock trading and options trading is what you’re trading. 

Stock shares, of course, represent part ownership in a company. When you buy a stock, you buy a part of the company.  When you sell your stock, you give up that ownership. 

Options are a little more complicated. When you buy a stock option, you are actually buying a contract. That contract gives you rights to 100 shares of a given stock — either the right to sell the stock at a set price, or the right to buy the stock at a set price. That set price is called the option’s “strike price.” Each options contract is enforceable up to a specific day, known as the expiration date.

You can pay money for the right to buy the 100 shares of stock at a set price—the strike price—before the option expires. That’s called a call option. 

Or you can pay money for the right to sell 100 shares of stock at the strike price before the option expires. That’s called a put option.

Instead of being the person who buys puts and calls. I want you to be the person who sells the contracts. The real secret to selling puts is to select stocks that you would like to buy at a lower price.

So you should target steady, stable companies, or choose options that expire sooner rather than later. A smaller premium is better than a high premium that could be taken away anytime.

Three Rules for Writing Puts for Income

1. Never write puts on stock you don’t want to own

2. Never write puts with a strike price above what you’d be comfortable paying for the stock. 

3. Never write a put just because you’ll receive a large premium.

By writing puts and calls on carefully selected stocks, you can create a never-ending income cycle. 

Start by selling some puts on a stock you wouldn’t mind owning. Set aside the premium income you receive. If the puts expire worthless, write some more puts. (And remember to have the cash on hand to buy the shares just in case.)
Bill SLAMS Biden: "A Disaster!"

This Must-See Showdown Reveals What's Ahead for You, Your Family and Your Money... During the Biden Presidency. 

China will attack Taiwan

The stock market will crash at least 35% when China makes their move.

2. How To "Juice" Up Your Favorite Blue Chip Stocks
Did you know there’s a way to boost your dividend payments by 500%? I didn’t think so. Most stockbrokers don’t want you  to know about it. 

Why? Because this cheap, simple and safe way to drastically increase your dividend payments doesn’t require a brokerage account. You get higher payouts and cut your broker out of the loop. 

Best of all, all you need to do to get started is to fill out a short form and make a small initial investment — as low as $50. That’s it. You won’t have to add another penny. 

As The Wall Street Journal wrote:

"DRIPs are the best-kept secret on Wall Street,” says Vita Nelson,
editor of Moneypaper, a newsletter devoted to DRIPs. Most people haven’t heard about them for one simple reason—companies can’t advertise their DRIPs. Why? Securities and Exchange Commission rules won’t let them say much about this fabulous way of saving and building wealth, except to existing shareholders.

Or as Tim McAleenan Jr. of The Conservative Income Investor put it, it’s: 

The best-kept secret of the long-term dividend investor.

Historically, you had to directly contact the company in order to enroll in their program, but today, many online brokers will help reinvest your dividends for little to no cost—you’ll just have to look at the fine print to make sure it is an option.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

More than 1,000 companies offer a way to invest with them directly through dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs). To participate, most companies with DRIPs require that you own just one share. 

Once you’re a shareowner, every time a dividend is paid, it’s automatically reinvested into more shares of the company’s stock. Those shares generate more dividends, which are again reinvested to buy even more shares. And the cycle continues. 

Before you know it, you’re collecting five times more dividends than you were when you bought the stock — without putting another penny into the investment. When dividend gains are repeatedly reinvested into additional shares of a company, the power of compounding takes over. With compounding, you earn returns on your returns from prior periods. While the rate of return may be the same or vary year to year, since you reinvest the dividends, your investment balance grows exponentially. 
US Dollar Replaced By “Biden Bucks”?

A former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon now believes President Biden plans to retire the US dollar we know.

And replace it with what he calls “Biden Bucks”. It is underway.

Biden signed Executive Order 14067, which could pave the way for Biden Bucks.

A small number of shares can grow into a large number over the long term, even without future purchases.

To show you how this dividend “juicing” works, let’s take a closer
look at an elite U.S. business that can boost your dividends by more than 250%: Annaly Capital Management (NYSE: NLY). 

Here’s how a hypothetical $10,000 NLY investment would look after reinvesting dividends in a DRIP for 20 years. For calculation purposes, we’re assuming annual dividend growth of 4% and an annual stock price increase of 6%:
As you can see, you start with 1,000 shares. But as the stock pays
dividends, you automatically buy more shares. By the end of 20 years, you own nearly 1,600 shares, without putting in an additional cent of your own cash. 

Additionally, all of those shares continue to pay dividends. You go
from collecting $300 a year to $1,051.29 as your position grows.

Notice what the compounding does to your total return. Again, assuming a modest growth rate of 6%, your $10,000 initial investment is worth $51,292 in just 20 years—well over five times your money, producing gains 81.9% larger than a regular stock purchase! 

This is, of course, is just a hypothetical example. Why don’t we take a look at a historical example that shows the value of this strategy? 

Consider your standard blue chip companies that have been around for decades, such as Exxon Mobil, McDonald’s and Proctor & Gamble. These companies had an average rate of return of about 10% for the past 20 years—pretty standard for a quality company. Not spectacular, but not outrageously good, either.

The dividend reinvestment strategy significantly increased the total return on the investment. By not reinvesting dividends, shareholders lost between $13,895 and $147,735 worth of value. 

When you look at those numbers, there is no question about how valuable dividend reinvesting can be for your portfolio. If you invested $10,000 in TJX in 1995, you would be sitting on $868,465, or a cool $1,016,200 if you had reinvested dividends, a difference of $147,735. It’s an astonishing figure.

Besides utilizing the power of compounding, DRIPs provide a number of additional advantages… 

1. When you purchase shares of a company through a broker, you’re hit with a brokerage fee. Over time, these fees can take a huge bite out of your returns. DRIPs allow you to reinvest dividends back into the company without paying a brokerage fee. This can make a huge difference in your long-term returns. 

2. Once you’ve purchased at least one share of stock and enrolled in a DRIP, you’ll be able to purchase partial shares of the company with your dividends. You won’t have to save cash to purchase full shares. 

3. Because you’re investing in a DRIP periodically — usually quarterly when dividends are paid — you’re able to buy more shares of stock when the stock price is low and fewer shares of stock when its stock price is high. This is known as dollar cost averaging. This helps lower your overall purchase price of a stock, thereby boosting your returns.

4. While dividends are reported as capital gains, dividend reinvestment plans do not make any cash payouts. While stock prices may rise, no capital gains tax need be paid until the stock is sold. The longer the shares are held, the lower the tax rate. The lower your tax rate, the more gains you keep.
"My First Impression Was 'You've GOT to Be KIDDING Me!"

In this jaw-dropping video clip, Bill O'Reilly hears THE FOUR SHOCKING WORDS that will help SUPERCHARGE AMERICANS' RETIREMENT this year and beyond...

REGARDLESS of divisive politics... record-high debt... even the pandemic!

3. How the Rich Beat Taxes and Inflation
In the corporate tax world, one dreaded phrase reappears when you talk about dividends: “Double Taxation”. All incorporated companies are taxed on the income they make. The shareholders are taxed again on any dividend distribution they receive from the company. So the same income is taxed twice. But, there is a way around it… 

Master Limited Partnerships, or MLPs, are nearly identical to royalty income trusts. The only difference between them is double taxation. Regular trusts must pay taxes on income before it is distributed to shareholders. Those shareholders also have to pay taxes on the already-taxed income when they receive it. MLPs, on the other hand, are limited partnerships. Therefore, they pay no taxes. 

Only unitholders, as owners of MLPs are called, are responsible for paying taxes on the income they receive from the partnership.  MLPs are usually trusts comprised of natural resource, financial services, and real estate assets. Many own oil and gas wells, refineries, or pipelines. Others own hotels, restaurants and stores — much like REITs. Still others own certain assets like royalties in gold or copper mines. Some specialize in certain countries or regions, while others are more diversified. We’re sticking to North American energy pipeline partnerships. We’ll show you why in a moment… 

One downside of MLPs is you shouldn’t invest in them through IRAs or other tax deferred accounts. Since they already receive a tax benefit, many IRAs won’t include them. Those that do, could complicate the tax scheme.

Of all the types of MLPs available, energy partnerships are the most attractive. Most of these kinds of businesses own pipelines, refineries, storage facilities and terminals. These kinds of operations, especially pipelines, are extremely stable cash-generating businesses. 

More importantly, MLPs are so profitable that they are among the best dividend payers you can find. High single-digit yields are commonplace when looking at MLPs.

Here are the top 3 MLP Oil & Gas Master Limited Partnerships:

Biden’s Plan to Confiscate Your Cash?

President Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067.

This Order could pave the way for Democrats to control America indefinitely.

A former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon believes this order could allow for legal government surveillance of all US citizens; total control over your bank accounts and purchases; and the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

4. Get Paid Like a Landlord for the Rest of Your Life
Property pays. And it will continue to pay, even with some of the nation’s real estate challenges. 

If you have ever wondered the easiest way to get rich without developing a new technology or hitting the Powerball jackpot, look no further than the real estate industry. 

Across the globe, real estate is the third most popular way billionaires have accumulated their wealth. According to Forbes, 129 of the world’s billionaires made their wealth in real estate. The only two industries that produced more were retail (146) and finance (148). 

This should seem straightforward—having income-producing properties is a great way to earn more and boost your net worth, both through cash flows and value appreciation. Many individuals have become millionaires through real estate investing, and going down that path can still lead to fortunes today. 

The only problem is being a landlord takes time and is a huge responsibility. Sometimes, the costs associated with managing and maintaining properties can eat up all of your profits. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a landlord without dealing with calls from tenants, fixing broken walls or having to find someone to rent to in the first place? 

In this chapter, I’ll show you how to get the lucrative benefits of becoming a landlord without having to personally watch over the properties or pay for any maintenance. In fact, I call it being a “digital landlord” because all transactions and business takes place over the internet. Let me explain.

But you don’t need to be a wealthy landowner to collect on property values. The stock market has created a way for investors to take part in the real estate business without all the hassles you’d associate with real estate investing.

They’re called real estate investment trusts (REITs). They trade on the regular stock markets just like company stocks. They’re essentially holding companies that own property, like office buildings, apartments, warehouses, even just empty land. They make their money buying and selling that property, or, more typically, leasing it out — and collecting rent. 

And here’s the best part — by law, a REIT must pay out at least 90% of its taxable income to shareholders.

To encourage groups to create REITs, Congress gave them a fairly nice incentive—qualified REITs don’t pay a cent in corporate income tax. No matter if the REIT collects income by renting to tenants or through mortgage payments, it doesn’t pay a dime on that income. In exchange, the REIT must pay 90% of its (otherwise taxable) income to shareholders. 

That gives REITs some of the highest income yields on Wall Street. In fact, the average REIT yields nearly 4%—twice the average yield of the S&P 500. (To say nothing about the ultra-low interest rates on the average savings account or certificate of deposit.) 

Because shareholders are owners of publicly traded companies, shareholders of a REIT are landlords of the properties the REIT holds. When a business pays rent, the REIT distributes the rent to owners in the form of dividends. By investing in a REIT, you are investing in the property they own without having to do any physical labor or pay for any maintenance.

Understandably, REITs took a big hit when the real estate market went south as the financial and mortgage crisis of 2007–2008 unfolded. Back then, it didn’t matter what the underlying properties were — even profitable property investments were taken out and shot by traders and investors alike. But since the beginning of 2009 to date, the REIT market has been ascending.

Right now, with much of the globe focused on pockets of political and economic concerns, the United States appears to be a safe haven, thanks to its economic growth, political stability and rising markets. 

So not surprisingly, foreign investors are putting more and more money into U.S. investments, including property. 

According to the most recent report by the U.S. National Association of Realtors, foreign buying of properties surged 35.19% in the most recent quarter. Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. realtors report having non-U.S. clients. And U.S. realtors with international business report that overseas transactions make up 10% or more of their companies’ real estate closed transactions. 

The leaders in foreign real estate investment flows include China, Britain, Mexico, Canada and India, making up 54% of all foreign real estate transactions in the most recent quarterly data. 

With this demand continuing, complemented by the continued rise in domestic-sourced real estate investment, look for the real estate market, particularly in easy-to-transact REITs, to remain robust.

Finding REITs to invest in can be tricky if you are unsure of what you are looking for. A great source of free information is This website provides laws, news, research and reports regarding every REIT in the industry. It also gives the details on different REIT funds that are composed of various companies. This is a great resource to learn more information. 
Biden to Replace US Dollar?

Thanks to President Biden’s Executive Order 14067, a former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon predicts the 3rd Great Dollar Quake has begun.

The first was Roosevelt confiscating private gold in 1934. The second was Nixon abandoning the gold standard in 1971.

Now, Biden’s plan could pave the way for “retiring” the US dollar. Your dollars could soon be confiscated – or made worthless.

5. The Secret "Real Estate" Investment With Guaranteed Returns
One of the best kept secrets of the investing world comes in the form of little-known real estate investments called tax liens or tax deeds. These obscure investments are auctioned off by the government and essentially guarantee a high-yield return if investors do their research on the terms of the lien. In most cases, these investments bring in 15–25% returns with very little risk involved. Liens and deeds differ slightly in mechanics, but they are acquired and offer returns in a very similar fashion. 

The way tax liens work is simple. Every homeowner must pay property taxes, but sometimes they fall behind on payments. The government does not like this because they have built a budget including everyone’s property taxes. At first, they charge the homeowner interest, but if payment is not  made before a certain date, a lien is issued and auctioned off to the general public. The government wants its money, and this gives investors the chance to purchase the lien (i.e., pay the delinquent taxes for the homeowner) in exchange for a handsome interest rate. When the homeowner finally pays the taxes, the investor gets their money back plus interest. 

If the property owner does not pay off their tax bill by the due date, one of two things will happen: The home will either become the investor’s property or be sold at public auction with a starting bid to cover all taxes and fees, which would then be used to pay off the lien. 

You see, it’s a win-win scenario any way you look at it. If the homeowner pays the fee, then you, the investor, just made a solid return on your investment. If the homeowner doesn’t don’t pay, their property becomes yours or the auction winner pays the lien. 

Best of all, a tax lien is considered a first-position lien, and the lien holder will receive compensation from the collateral even before mortgages. That means you are in front of the banks when it comes time to collect payments.

Typically, the homeowner will come up with payment before the house is seized, so property transfer is rare. In any case, it is a great chance for you to make a good return on your money. Tax liens are offered in the following states:

New Jersey
South Dakota
US Dollar Replaced By “Biden Bucks”?

A former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon now believes President Biden plans to retire the US dollar we know.

And replace it with what he calls “Biden Bucks”. It is underway.

Biden signed Executive Order 14067, which could pave the way for Biden Bucks.

Today investing in tax liens and tax deeds is easier than ever. The internet has made it possible to successfully invest without having to call courthouses or attend auctions featuring meager properties. 

The first thing you want to establish is if your state and local government have tax lien or tax deed policies. Remember, with tax lien investing, you look to get high returns on interest rates—in other words, to receive payment on the taxes rather than own a property in the rare case of property transfer. 

Once you have familiarized yourself with local laws, here is how you can break into the tax lien and tax deed investing scene. 

Most of the time, counties that offer tax liens will have a list of available liens on their government website. If your county does not have an  online resource, contact the county tax lien representative and ask if you  can have the list of liens mailed to your home. 

You can then look up the properties you are interested in on the property appraiser’s website. This will give you valuable information, such as past property taxes and how much the house was sold for on previous dates. Websites such as Google Maps and Zillow will also show you more pictures of the property and include other valuable facts. 

Once you have narrowed down your properties of interest, you can attend the auction by bidding online through your county website or hrough the local courthouse. Since every region is different, I recommend researching the procedures in your area or contacting the local government for more information. This way, you can confirm whether bidding takes place online or if you must attend an auction in person. 

While every county will have different policies, investing in tax deeds is a great way to get a low-risk, high-return investment in your own community. These investments frequently average a 15–25% return on your investment.
Biden’s Plan to Confiscate Your Cash?

President Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067.

This Order could pave the way for Democrats to control America indefinitely.

A former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon believes this order could allow for legal government surveillance of all US citizens; total control over your bank accounts and purchases; and the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

6. Get paid from every financial transaction in the world
Equinix Inc.’s (NYSE:EQIX) data center and is a modern wonder of the financial world. It’s located a few miles from downtown Manhattan and processes every trade, order and transaction on every major stock exchange. 

Roughly 9.6 million messages are sent through its fiber-optic cables every second, and trillions of dollars pass through its doors every day. But the NY4 is not just home to the NYSE and Nasdaq…Other major tenants include the Chicago Board Options Exchange, ICAP, IEX and Bloomberg. 

To give you an idea of how valuable the NY4 is, in order to get inside access to the servers, you have to pass through five separate security checkpoints, including palm-print scanning, pin-number entry and constant video surveillance. The building has an ultrahigh-tech cooling system that maintains a stable temperature in order to keep the building running 99.9999% of the year. In case of a power failure, the NY4 has thousands of batteries to provide eight minutes of electricity while 18 backup generators the size of freight trains get warmed up.

NY4 is one of Equinix’s most valuable properties, but it’s not the only property under their operation. In fact, Equinix is considered a REIT and has 145 data centers around the world. They have more than 8,000 customers, including tech giants such as Amazon, Verizon, Microsoft, Netflix, Facebook and LinkedIn. 

Best of all, you can become a part owner of Equinix and claim a share of their lucrative dividend. Remember, as a REIT, Equinix must pay out 90% of their earnings by law. That means every time its tenants pay rent, you get cash in the form of a dividend. But it’s not just the dividend that is attracting investors. 

Had you bought Equinix in February 2003, you would be looking at 12,033% gains on your investment. Those are returns money managers dream of. Year after year, Equinix continues to add properties to their list of assets and make the company more valuable for shareholders. It is no wonder Equinix is such a hot company. Their business model has made them extremely valuable, which is reflected in their stock price. 

They currently have a $24 billion market cap and pay a 2% dividend. As a REIT, whenever the NYSE or Nasdaq pays rent to Equinix, Equinix returns the payment to investors in the form of a dividend. As long as Equinix maintains their positive relationships with banks, stock exchanges and hedge funds, you can be sure to expect this income stream for years to come. 

Remember, Equinix houses the world’s major stock exchanges and servers for the largest tech companies in the market. They take their business very seriously and have become one of the best REITs in the world. 

Investors have made money hand over fist with Equinix, and I expect their success to continue with the expected cash flows coming from their big-name clients. I recommend buying shares of Equinix and claiming rent from their tenants today.
China will attack Taiwan

The stock market will crash at least 35% when China makes their move.

7. Invest In Real Estate Yourself
Instead of letting your house take the money from your bank account, today this is a way to have your own home become a money-generating machine. In fact, the income you can generate with this trick could easily cover the average monthly mortgage payment—if not more. 

With this trick, you can earn thousands of dollars a month. Whether it’s paying off the mortgage, saving for retirement or bumping up the spending budget, this technique can put money in your pocket through a growing trend available through the recent technological revolution.

If you have a spare room or extra property, then this style of income generation might be the perfect solution for paying off bills or adding to your retirement. 

Let me show you how it works . . .

For many Americans, the idea of homeownership has gone out the window. With increasing housing costs, renting has become the new norm. 

Following the subprime housing crisis that erupted in 2007, homeownership rates have gone down and only continue to decline. 

This means more people are looking to rent.

Millennials in particular have stopped buying homes as well. There is a growing trend to travel and move from city to city rather than settle in one location. Many millennials also take gap years to explore the world before they get comfortable in the working world. The constant change in addition to massive loads of student debt has caused a steep drop in millennial homeownership.

The drop in homeownership rates has made it easy to turn your own properties into cash cows through one website: Airbnb. 

Airbnb is part of the share economy that lets users list, find and rent lodging in over 34,000 cities across the globe. Airbnb has over 2 million listings you can choose to rent from and averages 500,000 bookings a night. 

The platform allows individuals to rent a room or even an entire house for a specified amount of time—from a single day to even over a month. Generally, the prices are cheaper than hotels and the services are better, which has attracted the business of millions across the globe. In summer 2015, over 17 million people booked a stay with Airbnb. 

Airbnb has made it possible to generate thousands of dollars a month simply by renting out your unused space in your own home. You can easily become a landlord without the long-term commitment of signing tenants. In most places in the U.S., you are legally allowed to rent your home for 14 days or less and not pay a cent in taxes. 

Airbnb can be an extremely lucrative business for those who take advantage. Renting out a single room for $80 a night can net you $640–2,240 a month. Average rates vary from region to region—some places like New York City are going to have higher rates than other locations. In any case, Airbnb offers an easy way to make extra cash from the space you aren’t using. 

For those uneasy with the idea of letting someone stay in their house,  let me walk you through Airbnb’s business model. First and foremost, you get to choose who you let rent out your property. Just like customers can leave ratings on places they stay, hosts leave ratings on guests that will impact their ability to rent in the future. When a guest books a room, the host has to accept the reservation before any transactions take place. The host can also cancel the reservation at any time (although it is polite to 
cancel as soon as possible). This way, the host is in complete control of who they are letting use their space. 

This lucrative business is a great way to earn a supplementary income that can cover the cost of your mortgage or put thousands of extra dollars in your pocket. Check out for more information. 
8. How to boost your social security benefits by over $500 per month
According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, over 97% of Americans do not receive the maximum amount of Social Security benefits allowed by law. In many cases, Americans are forgoing over $150,000 in lifetime benefits—an astronomical figure for any social class. 

This is a simple way to ensure you receive all of the money you are entitled to, and it all starts with one word: Void. 

If you are under the age of 70 and plan on filing for Social Security, “voiding” your application is a crucial step in getting every benefit you are entitled to. 

The problem is that most Americans think of Social Security as something you simply sign up for when you want to retire after a certain age. 

The truth is “signing up” for Social Security can be an extremely complex process, and most Americans are missing out on benefits they didn’t know are available to them. 

The first issue begins with the length of the Social Security handbook.

There are 2,738 grueling sections which make it nearly impossible to read and digest. Filled with rules, strategies, caveats and restrictions, it’s no  wonder even informed Americans still make the wrong filing decisions. 

There are hundreds of books out there on how to file and maximize your benefits, but the truth is that maximizing your benefits is based on one simple factor. In this chapter, I’ll discuss how you can use this factor to maximize your retirement checks. There are many different ways to get the most out of Social Security, but this single technique has the ability to raise your lifetime benefits by hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, it is one of the easiest ways to increase your payments as well.

The age at which you decide to file for Social Security is one of the most crucial decisions you can make for your retirement income. In order to claim your full, regular Social Security benefits, you must be 66 years old. This is called “full retirement age.” If you aren’t aware, your benefits can either increase or decrease based on your age. 

You can claim your benefits as early as 62 years old or at any age after. However, for each year you claim early (before 66 years of age), there is a percentage deducted from your monthly payment, reducing your total benefits. For example, if your full retirement benefits would be $1,000 a month at 66 years of age and you claimed early at 62, you would receive $750 a month instead of the full payment. This penalty may not seem like much, but it makes a big difference for your total lifetime benefits. 

On the other hand, for every year you wait after full retirement age, your benefits grow by 8% a year, up until the age of 70. Now, 8% might not seem like much growth, but you will see how significantly your benefits can rise if you wait. 

If you expect to live 82 years, filing at 70 can significantly raise your lifetime benefits. Over the course of your life, it can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra income. 

That can be the difference between $750 a month at 62 or $1,320 at 70. That’s an extra $570 a month! 

The simple lesson is that the later you file, the greater your benefits.

If you don’t mind holding off on taking your Social Security checks, then I recommend waiting in order to maximize the amount you can receive from the government. However, everyone’s situation is different, and filling at an earlier time might be best depending on the circumstances. 

Filing early is a good strategy if you are in desperate need of income or in a situation that reduces your life expectancy. Maybe you just are unsure of the future and feel better taking the money while it is offered. 

However, if you can, delaying your payments until you are 70 is by far the most efficient way to maximize your lifetime benefits. 

After you are 70, your benefits cannot grow any further. Therefore, 70 should be the latest age at which you file. Any later date is a waste, because your payments can no longer grow. 

If you file when you are 70, by the time you reach 82 years of age, you will have already made up the income you would have received by delaying payments. After that, the extra income keeps adding up. If you are healthy and expect to live past 82, it makes no sense to claim benefits early when the value added from waiting is so high. In fact, by delaying  payments, you can increase your benefits by 76%. This can be one of the easiest ways to increase your lifetime benefits by over $100,000.
"My First Impression Was 'You've GOT to Be KIDDING Me!"

In this jaw-dropping video clip, Bill O'Reilly hears THE FOUR SHOCKING WORDS that will help SUPERCHARGE AMERICANS' RETIREMENT this year and beyond...

REGARDLESS of divisive politics... record-high debt... even the pandemic!

9. How to profit from the modern-day gold rush...and get paid for it
Do you own gold or precious metals?

Many financial advisers recommend owning gold as a form of insurance for your wealth. 

Gold performs well in certain economic environments because it is a finite resource and has inherent value to humans. 

For example, gold is a great inflation hedge and performs well when interest rates are low or enter negative territory. Gold is also a safe haven in times of distress, and people gravitate toward precious metals in general  when there is political instability or market turmoil. 

All of these factors will cause the price of gold to rise, but only when the factors are in gold’s favor. As a long-term investment, gold has no yield and does not provide cash flow, which does not make it good for generating income. Gold does not distribute dividends and will not pay the bills when the mortgage comes due. 

Fortunately, there are ways around this dilemma, offering you a 
chance to profit from the gold market while collecting income along the way. In the next two sections, we'll share unique ways to invest in gold that allow individuals to bring in some serious income. 

There is a little-known way that gold mining companies raise money without contacting banks, venture capitalists or other big-name miners. They  are a special type of company that gives miners the money they need in return for a large percentage of the gold they excavate from the ground. 

These companies are some of the most profitable businesses you can invest in because they keep costs low while receiving precious metals at an extremely discounted rate. They are called streaming companies (or precious metal royalty plays), and they have given investors decent returns even while the price of precious metals falters. 

The best investor in the world knows the only way to prosper (especially in markets like these)... is to invest in VALUE.

But this stock that’s less than $2 could be the last value play in the market today. See why this $2 Stock could be $50 and STILL be a bargain - click here

The secret behind streaming companies is they merely finance the miners and do not take on any operational risk associated with mining. They don’t worry about environmental permits or disasters, purchase new bulldozers or tend to faulty blasting situations. They are simply front offices with a few desks that collect receipts for the mine’s haul for the day. Streaming companies are a great investment for individual investors interested in precious metals because of their low-risk profile and ability to generate returns even if the price of the underlying asset begins to fall. 

Say you are interested in a certain mine because you have reason to believe there are large deposits in the ground. This particular mine is owned by Barrick Gold, but was financed by a streamer. When it comes time to invest, you can put your money in Barrick, or you can invest in the streaming  company that provided the funding for Barrick to start the mine. 

No matter which company you choose, you will see returns associated with the mine you are interested in. However, the streamer is the better choice for a couple of reasons. The biggest benefit in buying the streamer is that you are protected in case Barrick files for bankruptcy. 

Remember, the streaming company provided the funding for Barrick in terms of debt, which means that the streamer is first in line for any collateral in case of bankruptcy. As a shareholder of the streaming company, the collateral from Barrick’s bankruptcy would contribute to capital gains.

On the other hand, if you owned shares of Barrick, you would most likely lose all of your money. 

One of the best streaming companies out there is Franco-Nevada
Corp. (NYSE: FNV), based out of Toronto, Canada. Its portfolio consists of approximately 340 properties in various stages of development, from exploration to production. This includes geologists searching for the best places to mine, construction of the mine and actual excavation. 

Compared with the biggest name gold miners in the world, Franco- Nevada has significantly outperformed even when the price of gold was on a steady decline.

Whether or not gold rises in value, streaming companies are a great investment if you want exposure to precious metals. Their low-cost business model and access to cheap precious metals make them extremely profitable and allow them to distribute cash to shareholders while appreciating in value.
Biden to Replace US Dollar?

Thanks to President Biden’s Executive Order 14067, a former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon predicts the 3rd Great Dollar Quake has begun.

The first was Roosevelt confiscating private gold in 1934. The second was Nixon abandoning the gold standard in 1971.

Now, Biden’s plan could pave the way for “retiring” the US dollar. Your dollars could soon be confiscated – or made worthless.

BONUS: The Three Pillars of Income Investing
I can’t take full credit for the ideas I’m about to share with you. Some of the credit belongs to Bill, the founder of a prominent hedge fund company that I used to work for. He started his business in 1985, and made money every single year. To my knowledge, his winning track record is intact. So that made him an excellent mentor. 

My job was to create income for our high-net-worth clients (each client had to have at least $1 million in assets) and to protect their capital against losses. To do that, I used what became known as the Three Pillars of Income Investing — a trio of criteria that helps pinpoint low-risk stocks with high dividends and excellent profit potential. 

Here’s what you should look for in every income stock you buy: 

1. Capital protection and preservation: We want stable companies with lots of cash and little debt, meaning they can weather any crisis that may crop up. 

2. Room for growth: We want to see a company with growing earnings and revenue. At the very least, it needs a plan to boost its growth. 

3. Sustainable dividend payments: We look for companies that have steadily increased dividends, and make sure they’re rising for a reason. (Again, a company could be paying out higher dividends to mask trouble.)

Once you’ve bought a good company, you can put the power of compounding to work. To do that, you simply use the dividends you receive to buy more shares of the stock. Some companies and brokers even let you do this automatically  through a dividend reinvestment plan, also known as a DRIP. (See above for a DRIP primer.) Each share you own adds to the dividends you receive. 

There’s a ton of academic research showing how much you could make reinvesting your dividends in this way. In 2007, Tweedy, Browne Company — an investment firm that’s been around since 1920 — published a concise rundown of various studies into dividend stocks. It proves, as they a put it, “the correlation of high dividend yields to attractive rates of return over long measurement periods.” 

At some point, you may not want to use 100% of your dividend payouts to go towards buying more shares. That’s when you can extract that money to spend however you please. 

If you follow the 4% rule, you can aim to extract 4% of your money from your retirement account each year, which will leave enough money in your account to continue growing
*This manual is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The author is not an investment adviser, financial adviser, or broker, and the material contained herein is not intended as investment advice. If you wish to obtain personalized investment advice, you should consult with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). All statements made in this manual are based on the author's own opinion. Neither the author or the publisher warrants or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the statements or information contained in this manual, and specifically disclaims the accuracy of any data, including stock prices and stock performance histories. No mention of a particular security or instrument herein constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell that or any security or instrument, nor does it mean that any particular security, instrument, portfolio of securities, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific individual. Neither the author or the publisher, can assess, verify, or guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment or methodology, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. READERS BEAR THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN INVESTMENT DECISIONS. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OR THE PUBLISHER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSSES DUE TO INVESTMENT DECISIONS MADE BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. At the time of writing, neither the author or the publisher has a position in any of the stocks mentioned in this manual. By proceeding with reading this course, you affirm that you have read and understand the above disclaimer. | 3rd Fl, Northern & Shell Tower, 4 Selsdon Way, Canary Wharf, London, E14 9GL, United Kingdom | Registration #10849519.
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